Thursday, January 13, 2011

Paris- No Less Than Marvelous

A lot of factors are to be considered when choosing the perfect holiday travel destination. If you are planning to have one with your friends, office mate, or even the entire family; consider going to Paris and you’ll surely never regret it. 

Paris is a gigantic city lying on the scenic Seine River in Northern France. It ranked world’s number 1 most visited city in 2007 with 15.6 million tourists from all over the world. Its vast collection of world renowned infrastructures and historic landmarks make it a favorite to many travel-eager folks.

Perhaps, the most famous landmark in Paris is the 300 meter Eiffel Tower standing strong and tall in the heart of the city. After climbing the Eiffel tower, don’t get weary yet. Because, the 12th century Notre Dame cathedral is waiting for you- its French Gothic architecture, sculptures and stained glass influenced by naturalism, the purported crown of thorns relic, and many more.

Next stop would be eminent Napoleonic Triumphal Arc which was built in honor of those who died fighting for France in the French revolutionary war. A lot more amazing things are waiting for you to behold in Paris.

Paris is no less than marvelous. It’s more than worth your time, money and effort.

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